Thursday, August 28, 2014

No Supplements

Here's a random piece of Mama advice:​ don't go shopping for something you can't spell!  Many years ago, I offered to go get Creatine (a muscle building supplement) for Danny thinking it was a "good Mama" thing to do.  With an empty container in hand, I walked confidently into the health store, told the kind sales person what I needed, and she led me to an aisle stocked with [what seemed] a gazillion bottles, boxes, powders, pills, ​ca​psules, packets, buckets, and such of ... Creatine.  After a few moments, she left me there in my stupor!


This world offers many supplements for happiness, joy, contentment, and peace.  Most are nothing more than flavors of ... nothing!  As I stood staring, I was so overwhelmed I didn't know what to do. What I really wanted to do was walk out and let Danny do his own shopping!  Life can be overwhelming at times, and the stupor-approach isn't good strategy.  It is our nature to be ever-seeking help to help us face life, and with success. We waste so much time and energy reaching for and trying to hold to things that are no more steady or stable than grasping the wind. Christ, our Hope - our Confident Expectation -- is the sure thing: He doesn't fade or diminish with time; His strength is certain and lasting; His promises safe and sure. The Psalmist challenges all, "O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusts in Him." (34:8).  ​Supplements are good things -- I take my share of them.  There is no supplement, however, for the soul – just Jesus!  He has been, is, and will be evermore The Way - The Truth​ - The Life.  Christ is all we need - no supplements needed!


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