Nothing More
Divide -- now, that's an interesting word. After the twins came, "division" was a way of life! It seemed we are always dividing something: turns at sitting in the front seat, who would shower first, who’s turn to choose the restaurant. Come to think of it, Mr. Bill and I started dividing things, too – who’s turn to handle bath time or change the dirty diaper. Yeah, we got pretty good at division!
Pastor Tony made a good point when he said Satan's greatest strategy against Believers is to "divide and conquer." Sounds like a strategic military maneuver, and it’s quite effective in the Christian’s life. This game plan wouldn't be so devastating except the "divide and conquer" begins first in the heart. Since Eden, man has struggled to once again know a pure and holy heart, but its wickedness and deceitfulness repeatedly compromise the Truth within us. We know what is right, yet we choose wrong -- what is cool, smooth, popular, and worldly. We profess allegiance to The Savior, yet our wills succumb to being entertained and soothed by often what is basically ... unholy. The divisions and conquests of the Believer’s heart and mind are so great, The Truth becomes cloudy and unclear. Satan is quick to provide justification for the sin we have come to love. Victorious living is not some sort of notion or dream, it is as real as the Savior who hung on a cross and conquered death! The light of God's Truth always conquers darkness. The truth is, we are more than conquerors through Christ Who strengthens us (Romans 8:37). We need nothing more!
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