Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Perfectly Relevant

Mister Bill needed hearing aids long before he got them. It wasn't until Ella, Grand#1, began to talk that he agreed he needed help hearing. We live in an age where there is much chatter about many things. There is a real struggle to tune-in what is true and relevant, and to tune-out what is not. Equally frustrating is the reluctance for peaceful and productive dialog. In ancient Rome, Apostle Paul preached Jesus, crucified and risen; he was then invited to join a group of renown philosophers who wanted to know more: "May we know what you are proclaiming? For you are bringing some strange things to our ears; so we want to know what these things mean." (Acts 17:19-20). Such was the setting for Paul to share the Truth of Jesus Messiah. I suspect few Believers think of Advent as a perfectly relevant time for the perfectly relevant Message of Jesus. It has great potential, however, to eternally impact our families, friends, neighbors and even strangers. For sure, The Message of Christmas is for all seasons but Believers must not miss this perfectly relevant occasion to go and see ourselves and to lead others to go and see who has come down to man: Jesus Messiah. 


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