Sunday, November 21, 2021

Faithful and Firm

Oh, how we loved to sing, "Slip slidin' away - Slip slidin' away," - Paul Simon's 1977 fun words put to a catchy tune. Believers, however, aren't quite so eager to see nor admit that's exactly what's happenin' in their spiritual lives. The slippery slope of compromise and neglect deals its own spiritual casualties: apathy, cynicism, brutality, bitterness, oblivion and more. My basket coach drilled into us, "a good defense is always a good offense." In other words, be ever diligently pressing on, moving forward, never standing still! I assure you of this: if Believers are not faithfully growing in their faith, we are losing ground! When we "take a vacation" from study, prayer, worship, fellowship, service Satan goes into overdrive, taking advantage of the moment. Psalm 119 is a beautifully rich testament of how God's Truth keeps Believers established and sustained in these trying times. V.89 assures us, "Forever, O LORD, Your Word is firmly fixed in the heavens." Be sure, there's no revisions, updates, amendments, addendums to what The Ancient of Days has spoken in His Word and through His Son - yes, even for us today! Simon continues, "You know the nearer your destination - The more you're slip sliddin' away." Not so, Simon: slippin' and slidin' is a constant danger but not an inevitable end: those who faithfully persevere in spiritual disciplines such as study-prayer-worship-fellowship-service will be upheld by The Mighty Hand of God. I encourage you to avoid the slippin' and the sliddin' - by The Word of The Lord ... stay faithful and stand firm!


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