Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Let Consistency Begin

Do you struggle with consistency? Because the motivational degree of each person differs, there's no magic number to that keeping-on-keeping-on of something. It's long been believed that is takes 21 days to form a new habit, however, more recent studies show it's more like 66 days. Bottom line, the road to consistency is a rough one! "Bless and favored by God are those who keep His testimonies, and who [consistently] seek Him and long for Him with all their heart." (Psalm 119:2, AMP). The discouragement that results when we fail to regularly exercise or eat healthy or curb spending habits, etc. is the same discouragement many experience when we fail to live-up to the standards God has set before those who love Him. There's a difference in the spiritual endeavor, however, and the psalmist points to it: it is the consistent seeking of a devoted heart. The motivation consists of heart, mind, soul and strength - the whole heart. In Matthew 6, Jesus said, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33, ESV). The treasures of the heart are gained in the consistency of pursuing Godliness - keeping His commands, putting His teachings into practice, continually longing after Him, etc. That kind of lifestyle is a work of God's grace (strength), never mere human will power! It is His power to do His will over mine ... let consistency begin!


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