Tuesday, February 27, 2024

What a Fountain!

We've spent a few days right on a mountain stream, and the view has been spectacular. The view was greatly enhanced by the soothing sound of the continuous flow of the water. We read in Psalm 36, "with You [LORD} is the fountain of life" (V.9a, NASB). The concept of a fountain is often based on a recycling of water; in times of drought, we've even seen fountains shut-off. David wrote, however, of a fountain that is "infinite in its source ... divine in its nature ... an uncreated fulness ... an inexhaustible overabundance" (Octavius Winslow). This stream of mountain water is part of tributaries that flow from-and-to other waters. These waters are subject to measures of rainfall and lack of rainfall. What a contrast, however, is The Fountain of Life found in Jesus Who has said to us that whoever drinks of the water that He gives will never be thirsty again - the water He gives will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life (John 4:14). Abundant, unending, eternal thirst-quenching water - can we even comprehend such a fountain! Sitting on the porch and watching the water move continuously and swiftly by reminded me of Christ - The Fountain from which flows an endless and undiminished supply of life-giving and life-sustaining grace. Oh, what a Fountain!


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