Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's Personal

Living with persnickety eaters over the years has caused me to not introduce many new foods.  Mr. Bill never complains but you can watch him and know when "that dog won't hunt."  About foods he doesn’t like, he says, "I wouldn't eat that with your mouth."

Something else that just "won't hunt" is the foolish notion that my relationship with Christ Jesus depends on someone else.  Truth is, it’s perhaps my ONE most personal thing – altogether MY responsibility.  It can't be transferred [like a car title] or inherited [like a family heirloom].  The relationship can certainly be ignored [like mopping the kitchen floor] or believed it will automatically grow to maturity [like a potted plant without water] but when neglected, it surely becomes ANYTHING but personal.  My Heavenly Father knows me intimately but I miss knowing Him the same way when I don’t spend time with Him.  Just how personal and intimate My relationship to Christ is depends completely on how much time I spend with Him daily in prayer, study and meditation on His Word.  Like any relationship, the closeness and sweet fellowship simply doesn’t exist when we fail to grow it!  No one -- not parents, grandparents, spouse, pastor, or friend -- makes a personal relationship with Christ what it should be … only me!  You see, it really is a very personal matter.


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