The New Look
Years ago, we put down hardwood floors in several rooms and there was much shuffling to be done in preparation. Furniture had to be moved to other parts of the house, and old carpet removed. That was lots of trouble! The end result, however, was amazing -- a new floor, which changed the looks of each room.
God doesn't re-arrange lives -- He changes lives! "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17). The result of a changed life isn’t the re-arrangement of want to's – it’s a whole new bunch of want to’s! The old life and its junkin' ways become history; there's new interests, new priorities. Unlike our existing sub-floor which was just re-covered, there's no "covering up" when Christ changes a life. It's completely new and His characteristics become our own -- the decisions & choices we make, the people we hang with, our responses to and in life situations. Oswald Chambers writes, "The Holy Spirit cannot be accepted as a guest in merely one room of the house-He invades all of it." When God comes to live in us [at salvation], you may think you’ve been re-arranged but something far more amazing has happened: Christ made a brand new you! He is the Reason for the … new look!
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