Altogether Lovely
The word “lovely” is often used as an exclamation “Mom, we’re out of tea” … Lovely; “Dear, the washing machine isn’t draining” … Lovely; “Property taxes are due soon” … Lovely. Really, now, tell me what’s lovely about any of this!
Does the word “lovely” come to mind when you consider Christ? Solomon writes, “His mouth is most sweet, and He is altogether desirable.” (Song of Solomon 5:16). The Hebrew word “desirable” means precious and valuable, a treasure and a delight, and yes – lovely. I fear Believers fail to comprehend the exceeding beauty of our Savior. We certainly appreciate loveliness: we travel thousands of miles to admire nature’s beauty, create beautiful homes and yards, and go to great efforts to improve our own outward appearance. While there’s nothing wrong with any of those things, why do we look past and over the supreme loveliness of the Beloved One. Perhaps man’s insatiable desire for beauty is actually the deep yearning of the soul for The Beautiful One, placed there by God Himself. This may explain the psalmist’s longing for God’s Presence all the days of his life, “to behold the beauty of the Lord.” (27:4) Spurgeon suggests, “Surely the people of God can fully justify the use of this golden word, for He is the object of their warmest love, a love founded on the intrinsic excellence of His person, the complete perfection of His charms.” What lovely thoughts are yours? May they NOT be a picture, a place, a thing but rather a Person -- the Person of Jesus Christ. Indeed, He is altogether … Lovely!
Does the word “lovely” come to mind when you consider Christ? Solomon writes, “His mouth is most sweet, and He is altogether desirable.” (Song of Solomon 5:16). The Hebrew word “desirable” means precious and valuable, a treasure and a delight, and yes – lovely. I fear Believers fail to comprehend the exceeding beauty of our Savior. We certainly appreciate loveliness: we travel thousands of miles to admire nature’s beauty, create beautiful homes and yards, and go to great efforts to improve our own outward appearance. While there’s nothing wrong with any of those things, why do we look past and over the supreme loveliness of the Beloved One. Perhaps man’s insatiable desire for beauty is actually the deep yearning of the soul for The Beautiful One, placed there by God Himself. This may explain the psalmist’s longing for God’s Presence all the days of his life, “to behold the beauty of the Lord.” (27:4) Spurgeon suggests, “Surely the people of God can fully justify the use of this golden word, for He is the object of their warmest love, a love founded on the intrinsic excellence of His person, the complete perfection of His charms.” What lovely thoughts are yours? May they NOT be a picture, a place, a thing but rather a Person -- the Person of Jesus Christ. Indeed, He is altogether … Lovely!
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