Mind Your Heart
It’s actually pretty common that long-time couples, friends, even neighbors know each other’s thoughts and predict one another’s responses. That’s why I try to remain [somewhat] unpredictable to Mr. Bill. Yes, I know the looming dangers of mind-games but … well, [to put it kindly], the minds here are … ever-changing.
Can you imagine how dangerous, even embarrassing, it would be if we could read one another’s thoughts? I might never leave the house! Genesis 6:5 says, “Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” At first glance, we read how God knows the very thoughts of the heart but on closer look, Scripture says He knows the “intent of the thoughts of the heart.” This Truth is a game-changer! The intent refers to the purpose of the thoughts, and even the “target” of the thoughts! Yikes! Another interesting truth here is it’s not the [infamous] brain that thinks but [rather] the heart – the wicked heart. And where does stinkin’ thinkin’ come from? “As he thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7). Consumed with impure thoughts, it’s a heart problem: impure thoughts = impure heart. Yes, we struggle against numerous things which cause us to think and act against God, but we have an ally; by power of the Holy Spirit, we can pray that our every thought be taken “captive to obey Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5). The whole of who we are -- every thought, idea, motive, desire, and decision belongs to Christ! There’s always a battle of the minds here, but it’s usually whose mind can remember the most … with accuracy. The battle for the heart, however, need not be lost to Satan – a mind faithfully renewed through God’s Word is the sure-way to a pure heart. Don’t neglect it – mind your heart!
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