Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Grace Enough

There’s an interesting clock at a local pizza place: the second, minute and hour hands are constantly moving clockwise. At first, I  thought the clock was broken but the message is that it's always "pizza time."


If God had a clock showing His availability, it would certainly be like that pizza clock! He offers an abundant and endless supply of Strength and Protection as well as Grace for each moment.  I've known ample supply of His Grace: mother to three all-boy boys (who never understood the need to scrub a bathroom); resorting to pen my thoughts in morning’s wee hours (when all my sweet "blessings" were sleeping; turning socks right-side-out (cautiously watching for creature-movement); crawling around on floors in search of missing shoes & belts (everyone else assuming the items had a homing device).  In the everyday  perils, it makes much better sense to ask God for Grace rather than plead with Him for a long-hot bath.  James writes, "My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into various trials. Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience." (1:2-3)  God is never finished teaching and growing us whether we're making a home, raising children, crunching numbers, stuck in traffic or juggling family & career. His Grace is always sufficient and always enough. Nasty bathrooms, lack of time, inside-out buggy socks, missing shoes and belts -- oh yes, there is Grace enough!


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