Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Pattern

Most women I know had a home economics class as a teenager in which we learned basic sewing.  In my class, we made aprons and I was so proud of mine.  I learned enough by making that simple apron to do a little sewing here and there.  Calling me a seamstress, however,  would be quite a stretch!


In Paul’s letter to Titus, he uses the phrase, “pattern of good works” when describing Christian behavior.  Although he was writing to young men, this is easily applicable to all Believers. “Show yourself in all respects to be a model [pattern] of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, and sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us.” (2:7-8)  One of the first things we learned in sewing class was how to lay pattern pieces on top of the fabric then meticulously cut around each pattern piece, rendering pieces of fabric the same shape.  What a mess that apron would have been had my fabric pieces been carelessly cut or no pattern used at all.  Similarly, what poor images of Christ we are when our pattern for living is anything apart from Jesus Christ, The Pattern, for Christian living.  For good or for bad, the resulting evidences (behavior) of our faith WILL resemble something!  God demands our behavior point to The Pattern of good works through Jesus Christ, rendering a beautiful work of His grace for all to witness.  I don’t remember what happened to my apron or if I ever wore it but [certainly] every Christian should desire to display [be] a “pattern of good works” to the Glory of God.  Stay true to The Pattern!


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