Living Pest Free
Screened porches are grand! Last summer the beach house we rented had a screened porch that faced the ocean, and with a porch swing. That may have been the sweetest screened porch ever!
There is a very specific question found in the psalms: "How can a young man keep his way pure?" (119:9a). Screen wire may just be one of the greatest inventions of all time! When present, we can enjoy crisp fall air and spring breezes as well as hear nature's sounds of crickets, tree frogs, and whippoorwills. It also keeps away the pests -- mosquitoes, gnats, wasps, etc. – that would drive us inside otherwise! Oh, the blessing of screen wire! How do we keep away the pests in our spiritual lives -- those things that seek to overcome and devour us? The psalmist answers his own question: "By guarding it according to YourWord." (V.9b). We must not be put-off by the word "young" because it is the young and old alike (actually, anyone who is breathing) who struggle with remaining pure in thought and motive. God inspired the psalmist's question and answer to make us acquainted with the need and the resolve of spiritual cleansing. Clearly, it is important (1) we know the word of God, (2) we meditate on the word of God to understand Its Truth, and (3) make God's word the Standard (baseline, benchmark, measure) by which we live. The worst thing a Christian can do is put their spiritual lives on auto-pilot; do that, and expect a huge diversion from what is righteous and holy! Matthew Henry writes, "The ruin of [young men] is either living at large (or by no rule at all) or choosing to themselves false rules: let them ponder the path of their feet, and walk by scripture-rules." Yes, it would indeed be handy if there existed a "spiritual screen" we could wear to protect us from sinfulness, but what Christians have is better by far and most effective: the Word of God, Which is powered by His Spirit to keep us in The Way that leads to righteous living. Pest-free living begins with God's Word!
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