Wednesday, October 8, 2014


“I was mortified!”  I don’t remember who (it’ll come to me eventually) but someone from my childhood used this expression as an exclamation for something seriously … mortifying.


The word “mortify” means to kill or put to death!  Considering what is happening in parts of the world right now, this word brings terrible images to mind.  That evil can reveal itself in such horrific ways is stunning!  The disregard for and carnage of human life grows darker by the day!  Interestingly and worthy of thought is that same evil [which motivates killing of innocent men, women, and children] is the same evil that lives inside you and I.  No, I’m not joking! The Prophet Micah spoke of evil, “Woe to those who devise wickedness and work evil on their beds! When morning dawns, they perform it, because it is in the power of their hands.” (Micah 2:1).  Within each of us is the capacity to do evil (to sin -- be unkind, selfish, greedy, to steal, lie, cheat, etc.).  Furthermore, it’s our natural tendency to do these things!  Now, would most of us do evil (sin) to extreme measures such as murder – of course not!  We gasp and are appalled at such things, but in the sight of Holy God, levels of sin do not exist -- evil is evil is evil is evil, sin is sin is sin is sin.  With regard to evidences of God's Spirit, Paul makes us consider things “for which there is no law”; things such as gentleness, patience, love, kindness, etc. (Galatians 5:23).  Let's not be deceived, within each of us [even Christians], there a an on-going battle between doing what is holy (good) and what is evil (wrong).  We are called to "mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth"; to mortify is to kill, put to death, slay, deprive of power the evil that exists within us.  We do this by putting on the "new man" (V.10), which is rooted in the conquering and victorious Christ who empowers us through the Holy Spirit Who lives within us, and Who is "greater than he that is in the world." (1 John 4:4).  Yes, I've been mortified a few times in my life and it usually involved big-boy and little-boy behavior!  The mortification of (death to) indwelling sin is an act of personal obedience to God and the work of His Spirit in me.  Within your hands is the capacity to allow evil to thrive or be mortified -- which will it be?


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