Monday, September 29, 2014

His Words

You know how children do otherwise brainless things, and you can only scratch your head and wonder?  One little guy (I won't call his name), many years ago affixed a sticker to the wall in my bedroom, and of course, it peeled off paint and sheet rock when I removed it.  Most of the time, it's concealed behind a curtain but at times it shows itself and just glares at me!  


Psalm 119 celebrates the words of God as the perfect Guide for life.  Verse 1 ignites the whole chapter: "Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the Law of the LORD."  Imagine how crazy the roads would be without traffic laws, how lawlessness would reign as we drove to and from!  Well, wouldn’t you agree this pretty much describes the world in which we live?  Because sin has corrupted the heart of man, the world despises God's Laws.  This culture demands His words will not be displayed in public places and it certainly doesn't want to hear them in the public forum!  And this surprises us?  Well, it shouldn't: Jesus said, "If the world hates you, know that it has hated Me before it hated you." (John 15:18).  Then, occasionally, there's that breath of fresh air when right in the middle of the madness, a Light breaks through!  The shine may be unexpected and even subtle, and it may even be brief, but the words of Truth will not be ignored.  They show up on social media, on television, in the news, and the topic of much public dialog; nonetheless, the words are front-and-center!  Isn’t it amazing how God's makes Himself known, even using what men meant for harm or evil … God uses for His own good (Genesis 50:20).  As committed as the world is to freeing itself of any moral compass or guide, and as diligent as it works to keep The Light in-check, God shines dispelling darkness.  You see, some battles are indeed lost in the public arena, but Hope remains.  That’s when we take up the most humble of Christian duties to bless and not curse those who despise Christ and His words of life (Romans 12:14).  I'm not real sure why I've not patched that pesky tear on the wall; perhaps it's just a sweet reminder of little ones past and those yet to come.  Christian friend, do not lose heart nor grow weary when the world doesn't embrace Christ and His perfect Words for life.  Written upon the tablets of our hearts (Proverbs 7:3), devote yourself to them and remember – He wins in the end!


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