New Direction
How many times have you missed a turn only to hear that GPS person say, “re-calculating?” This means she's trying to figure out how to get you from here-to-there. Not sure why she doesn't just say “turn around, goofy – you missed your turn.”
“A new direction is always a telltale sign of genuine renewal.” (O. S. Hawkins). In the Old Testament, Ruth said to her mother-in-law, Naomi, “… wherever you go, I will go” (1:16). Ruth’s husband (Naomi’s son) died and suddenly Ruth was faced with what to do next. God has graciously blessed my sons with three wonderful wives, and I’m so grateful they love me and we share a good relationship, however, if they found themselves in similar circumstances [as Ruth], I don’t see them packing up and leaving the country with their mother-in-law. No, just not seeing that happen! Ruth’s words, of course, go much deeper; she knew that to return to her family and homeland meant also returning to a land of false gods. I suspect the irresistible goodness of [Naomi’s] One God helped influence Ruth’s decision. Changing directions is often difficult – it usually means turning away from something we’ve come to love. One thing is certain -- a godly change will always be in the opposite direction of sin, which He hates. Scripture confirms this truth: “Let those who love the LORD hate evil” (Psalm 97:10); “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” (Romans 12:9). We cannot cling to our sin and cling to Christ! There must be a singleness of spirit as God described in Jeremiah 32:39 -- "I will give them singleness of heart and action, so that they will always fear Me" and as Jesus described in John 17:20 -- "that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You." Thankfully, there are few dead-end roads and even the GPS person usually gets us turned back toward our destination (although often by-way-of-Omaha). If the path you’re on isn’t moving you toward Christ, a turn-around is needed. Seek The Father for a new direction!
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