True Reflection
It’s been said, "The best mirror is an old friend." I tend to agree! When you spend a lot of time with someone, interesting things happen: you begin to know what one another is thinking (that’s scary), you drink after one another (to everyone's horror), and you know what subjects to avoid (that's why you stay friends). Mostly, with an old friend, you can scratch where it itches!
Something interesting about mirrors -- they rarely lie! You wiggle your nose – the image in the mirror wiggles; you stick out your tongue – the mirror image does the same. We are to mirror Christ – not be kinda-sorta like Him but a true reflection. We are to imitate God (Ephesians 5:1) which deeper describes the reflection – our nature must be to do as He does! Sometimes I think Christ’s reflection lived-out through me is more like one of those carnival mirrors -- distorted and unclear. Why? Because I'm not spending enough time with Him! Just like that friend you have grown old with, time spent together is key to the relationship. So it is with The Father; we will never be a true reflection unless we stay in His presence on a daily basis. Don’t forget to check your reflection!
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