Be A Fountain
At age five Danny was introduced to a fountain when we were attending a convention in Dallas, Texas. Inside the convention center, it didn't take long for boredom to set in for him so we eased outside where a big and inviting water fountain became the perfect playground [of sorts] for his little feet & hands. He was having so much fun, I wanted to join him!
We are fountains! There is a fountain within each person who belongs to Christ. Romans 5:5 says, "God has poured out His Love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit." His Spirit within Believers is the endless and bountiful Source of love and compassion. We have no right to withhold this love and compassion from others. Surrendered to Christ, we spill-to-overflowing ... much like a fountain. Ever watched the splash of water at a bird bath? The water by its very nature is refreshing to the bird. Because of Christ, we are filled with potential to be that splash of joy, that Nature of Jesus Christ Who refreshes others. Our splashes of joy can easily be showers of blessing to that neighbor, friend, co-worker, or stranger who needs a Touch of Christ. Look around today. Consider yourself a fountain, and splash a few folks today!
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