Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Light

Darkness is good for sleeping and staying asleep.  It is not good, however, for walking or running or a host of other activities which require illumination.  Even getting dressed in the dark is challenging: a few days ago, I discovered I had worn navy blue instead of black pants all day long.  Either my colleagues didn't notice or they were sympathetic to my lack of fashion!


According to Scripture, the first words our Great God spoke were, “Let there be light.” (Genesis 1:3).  Critical to our health and well-being, our bodies need a certain amount of light. Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the Light of the world: he that follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of life.”  Even before God created man, He foreknew our struggle with darkness and understood our need for illumination.  I find it fascinating that, literally, in the very beginning through the spoken Word of The Creator, provision was made man should not live without Light! Because light existed before man, I love the spiritual implication that we were not created to live nor walk in darkness!  John wrote The Light walked among us (John 12:35), and Peter explained we are called out of [spiritual] darkness into God's marvelous Light (1 Peter 2:9).  It is Christ Who enlightens us to Truth through His Word and empowers us to walk in Truth by His Holy Spirit.  Mr. Bill and I just started a Biblical studies class, and we're excited (even at our ages), there is still countless treasures yet to be gained from God's Word.  Oh, that Christians today would read His Word, know His Word, make His Word their Lamp, and trust His Light to lead them. (Psalm 119:105).  Let us acknowledge True Light and walk in It!


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