Tuesday, January 6, 2015

See and Seize

Having three boys is a blessing ... even more than we first imagined: they were always good for emptying and hauling trash, moving heavy and cumbersome furniture, etc.  As expected, however, there were always excuses and last minute plans to be elsewhere, but Mr. Bill was rarely deterred.  He would describe the task-at-hand as a "unique opportunity."  

Have you ever considered the opportunities in your responsibilities?  Often when I think of my responsibilities, I'm suddenly tired, and do not care to consider the opportunities!  Nehemiah 1:11 tells us that this Jew-in-exile, Nehemiah, was the king's cupbearer.  Kings commonly feared being poisoned so a man of irreproachable loyalty would first taste the king's wine or food -- the cupbearer.  When Nehemiah learned his Hebrew brothers in Jerusalem were afflicted, the city's walls in crumbles and its gates burned, he was deeply grieved. Nehemiah soon realized because of his position he had the king’s confidence so he requested a leave from his cupbearer position to help rebuild and restore the City of God.  As Christians, we too, have many responsibilities and whatever they are, there exists in them unique and divine-ordained opportunities. We may not be asked to leave our places of employment, communities, or families but nonetheless the opportunities exist to honor Christ where we are and in what we are already doing!  Nehemiah’s example of being a cupbearer for the king to being a cupbearer for the Lord challenges us.  Do you see the opportunities for Christ in your daily responsibilities?  They opportunities are there -- see and seize them!


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