Monday, January 16, 2017

An Excellent Difference

The infrequent times Mr. Bill has been out of town, home isn't the same.  Actually, home is quite ... different.  Of course, there are some notably positive differences: actually holding the remote myself, not slipping on underwear left in the bathroom floor, not having to share a can of cashews.  The differences, however, are noticed most in the absence of "Mr. Bill" sounds -- his trying to upstage the weather man, the sound of his alarm before sun-up, and the sound of velcro on his shoes.  Yes, home is quite different in his absence.


Often I wonder if my life is different because of Christ.  Ephesians 5:8 says,  " ... walk as children of light."  Does my life light the way to Christ; just what do others see in me?  If what they see resembles the rest of the world, oh me!  We live and work in a I've-got-my-rights-and-you-better-not-forget-it world and when people forget, the knee jerk response is to blow up and speak your mind.  That is not Christ's way -- He came to show us a "more excellent way."  That's what our walk and our talk should be to an unbelieving world -- more excellent ... different!


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