Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Our little 11-month old Harper, Grand #5, seems to be contemplating taking steps. While it's critical every Christian have a vision for reading and studying God's Word, the vision doesn't end there; it becomes applicable as we put into practice Its principles. It's rightly the "next step" - the doing of the Word: "be doers of the word and not hearers only" (James 1:22).  While at the beach, there were times I was overcome with the beauty of the Island and the incredible sweetness of God's Presence.  That is not where life happens, however. Life is unpleasantries and woes and worries that can lead to brokenness and despair.  Paul writes of a steady perseverance: "But in everything commending ourselves in servants of God, in much endurance ..." (2 Corinthians 6:4). When life is unsteady, we stay focused on the steady: "The only way to live an undefeated life is to live looking to God." (Oswald Chambers). No doubt, Harper will soon take steps and even fall a few times but she will keep getting up and give it another try, take another step.  Perhaps you've taken a tumble and to persevere seems a bit much.  Stay in the Word. Stay true to the vision to live out the life you've been given. Persevere!​


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