Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Shifting Place

Mr. Arthur was one of Dad's best friends - it must have been so because whenever they were together they talked [what seemed] forever!  Mr. Arthur was the church treasurer, and each Sunday night on the way home from church we stopped at Mr. Arthur's for the attendance & financial reports and Dad's weekly pay.  In unison Mom and us girls pleaded with Dad not to talk so long; we were all tired and hungry for the usual Sunday night cornbread & milk.  As a young girl, I didn't understand what encouragement Mr. Arthur gave to Dad -- a young pastor and father of four girls -- how much wisdom and counsel was passed along on that back porch. Can you imagine if you never talked to your best friend?  How long would you have this best friend?  Sadly, we toodle along in our daily doings often giving God a never-mind. He quietly and patiently waits for us to seek Him out for conversation and counsel.  Most likely, Mr. Arthur anticipated Dad's weekly stop;  when we were on vacation, I'm sure Dad was missed.  So it is, the blessings we miss when we avoid or neglect conversation with God -- what we miss is immeasurable.  "Prayer is the place where burdens are shifted. Have you experienced the joy of coming alongside Jesus, lining up your shoulder to His? He puts an arm around you, pulling you close. He speaks words of Life into your ears, carrying the full weight of your burden. You soon realize the load has shifted, and it doesn't seem so heavy. Surprised, you look up to see that Jesus has gone on ahead of you, with the heaviest part of your burden squarely atop His shoulders." (Boomerang Joy, Barbara Johnson)  The "shifting place" -- a wonderful place to meet our Best Friend - Jesus!


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