Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Keep Stirring

Although I rarely cook anything new, I occasionally look at new recipes.  One thing that makes me turn-the-page are the words “constantly stirring.”  Necessary as it may be to the success of the dish, those instructions are a game-changer for me! Honestly, there are times when I sit down to write MWB and I’m just not inclined to do so.  Since retirement, I often ponder when I will retire from writing as well.  Then I read Apostle Peter’s words as he wrote to fellow Believers near the end of his life, “Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities … I think it right as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by way of reminder … And I will make every effort so that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things.” (2 Peter 12, 13, 15). Every Believer should consider this: is there really a time when we can justifiably lay aside our spiritual gifts while on earth?  Even from a cross, in agony, Jesus prayed for and forgave His persecutors then spoke words of promise to a dying thief; Christ was faithful to His ministry until He breathed His last breath! You may have heard that preachers don't retire - they only re-fire; well, that's a good slogan for each of us.  To our very end or the Day of Christ’s Retu8rn, we must persevere not only in right-living and well-doing but in speaking the Gospel in-and-out-of-season, ready at all times, preaching the Word of Truth.  I have no idea how much longer I will do this but to the very end, I pray I am faithful and "constantly stirring" others to be faithful.  Let us all … keep stirring!



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