Monday, September 30, 2019

Rejoice Always

Garlic powder is one of the staples in my limited inventory of seasonings; it’s not so good when it becomes lumpy.  Throughout New Testament scriptures we read how God uses suffering to strengthen and mature Believers. Paul wrote to the Believers of the Colossian church, “Now I rejoice in my sufferings …” (Colossians 1:24).  There’s the rub: we can acknowledge-accept suffering as part of life but being joyful through it remains a puzzle, a challenge.  When I poured the remaining lumps of garlic powder from the bottle then crushed the lumps between my fingers, an intense fragrance resulted!  We may delight in fresh orange juice or lemonade but there was a pressin’ and a squeezin’ that took place first. In the same way, for unspeakable joy Believer must endeavor to persevere with joy the struggles-difficulties. It is only then we become the aroma of Christ unto God and a delightful trophy-case of Christ in us!  In and by His Grace, let us rejoice always.


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