Confident Living
How blessed I am to have wonderful memories of time spent with both sets of my grandparents. One of the things I remember most is how they seemed to be content and at-peace with their circumstances. Having "more" didn't seem to be a driving force in their lives. We learn something vitally important about God from His words in Isaiah 65:24, "And it shall also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear." God knows everything: before we put thoughts into words, He knows and is actively listening intending to answer. He promises to hear and to answer! Don't you find it somewhat disconcerting that listening is a lost art! What we say seems too often lost in the noise and distractions of life. Oh, how we long to be heard - to silence the background of life as we try to communicate our cares and concerns, our joys and sorrows, our innermost thoughts. God hears. "For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayer." (1 Peter 3:12, ESV). The last conversation I had with my Nanny were words of affirmation from Psalm 37:25 - "Bev, I've been young and now I'm old; not once has God forsaken me and I've never had to beg for bread." She had lived 97 years in confidence and peace that God faithfully hears and answers those who love Him. That is ... confident living!
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