Leave Them There
Perhaps one of the most basic needs we have is the need to trust in something or someone. If you question this, just consider the mere disillusionment and disappointment we feel when a trust is broken - ouch! David wrote in Psalm 30:6, "in my prosperity I said I shall never be moved," which is exactly how we [humans] feel when things are going well. When things don't go awry [as planned], however, we feel the ground shaken beneath us. Jeremiah wrote, "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit." (Jeremiah 17:7-8, ESV). When we have placed our trust elsewhere [rather than in the Lord], trust ceases and is replaced with fear and anxiety! In contrast, when we trust solely in the Lord, trust continues [never ceases] because He is completely trustworthy - He never fails! The Puritan prayed, "Thou art infinitely wise and cannot do amiss, as I am in danger of doing. I rejoice to think that all things are at Thy disposal, and it delights me to leave them there." Here's the question: are we willing to trust the Lord with-and-in all things then ... leave them there?
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