Sunday, September 1, 2024

Right Words

It's almost funny how casually we use words: we say we "love" chocolate and cooler weather; we say we "hate" rhubarb and long lines; we describe sunsets and long-weekends as "awesome." Psalm 96 says, "the LORD is great" (V.4). The Hebrew word "great" means large in magnitude, extent, intensity, in sound and age and importance. Really now, to how many things are we able to rightly apply greatness - without any reservation - according to its truest meaning! The rest of Verse 4 says, "and greatly to be praised." Not only is God great in magnitude, intensity, sound, age and importance but we are to praise Him greatly - with magnitude, intensity, sound, age and importance! It's a tall order yet a command it is! I suggest we will never do so without a heart that is humbled to the lowestdegree of creature bowed to Creator. As a Child of God and as a worship leader, heart-worship is ever before me. I imagine we all agree that words matter, and they do! Let us give God the glory and honor due His Holy Name. Use words and use the ... right words!


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