Monday, August 12, 2024

Demo Your Faith

One thing [I know] little boys enjoy is demo (demolition) of anything actually: cars, buildings, sand castles, etc. I want you to consider a different kind of demo, one that builds-up instead of tears-down. That is the demo (demonstration) of faith in God! In Genesis we read of God's great creation of which He blessed. After Abel's murder, the rebellion at Babel and the global flood, we see how sin demolished what was perfect and good. Because God sought to once again bring His blessing to mankind, He chose a man (Abram) and instructed him to leave behind all that was familiar to go "to the land which I will show you ... And in you all the families of the earth will be bless" (Genesis 12:1, 3). And that's exactly what Abram did ... a demonstration (demo) of great faith! I wonder where that kind of faith is today: faith to walk through storms fearlessly; faith to face uncertainty with confidence; faith to rest in life's anxious moments; faith to know peace in turbulent times; faith to simply trust no matter what. We are wise to consider if the faith we profess is actually the faith we possess; is there evidence in our lives of a demolition (demo) of our trust in God or a demonstration (demo) of deep abiding and unwavering faith in the same God of Abram and ancestor of The Savior (Matthew 1:1)? Rightly ... demo your faith.


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