Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Heart Needs

It's amazing how much debris gathers on the floor between sweepings.  I admit to NOT sweeping enough, and I usually know it's been tool long by what’s in the dustpan! The Believer's heart needs a good continuous sweepin'.  The dirt from my floor ain't nothing compared to that which collects in my heart. It doesn’t take much to know when it’s past due for cleaning either: my talk and walk are … well, off.  Mark 7 gives quite a list of nasties from a neglected heart: envy, slander, deceit, arrogance, foolishness ... to name a few. In Psalm 51, David penned some of the best steps for a good sweepin’ of the heart: "Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin." (V.2) and "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me" (V.10).  I’m often reminded how I need to keep a “short list” of sins – staying confessed-up for continued fellowship with The Father!  A short-list represents a frequent sweepin’.  It’s truly my ... heart needs.


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