Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Choose Wisely

Vision statements are often overlooked but are actually a great way to move forward as an organization or individually. One of the best "vision statements" ever voiced was made by a Bible hero named Joshua: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15). Unfortunately, too much of the time I allow my calendar to direct my life! An opportunity presents itself, I quickly check the date [on my calendar] then seize the vacancy for what I will ... but what does God will for me? Joshua, Moses' successor, stood before God's people and challenged them: "choose this day whom you will serve" (V.14). Interestingly, the challenge was for "this day," not for tomorrow or some distant time-to-come. The challenge was for right now - the current moment, which is all we really have. Here's the question for each of us: what will we do with the current -moment? Joshua staked his claim on the time-at-hand, he chose to follow and serve The Giver of the moment and all moments. It's my choice, your choice ... choose wisely.


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