Thursday, October 17, 2024

Empty Altar

Sometimes, something triggers a memory: for example, a childhood memory that church services typically ended with an "altar call." This verse from 2 Samuel 15 in God's Word triggered that memory for me: "Has the LORD as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams." (V.22, NASB). It's not uncommon to wonder just what best we can offer God Who has given and continues to give to us everything - in what way can we rightly honor Him? He plainly says in this verse that the best way we can show Him praise and honor is "to obey" - it's better than anything and everything else. We may ask, "that's all?" ... well, obedience is usually the absolutely hardest and last thing we want to do, the most difficult condition for our hearts to be! Jim Elliot said if we are the sheep of His pasture, we must remember: "sheep are always headed for the altar." That laying-down of what we think and what we want is tough but so glorifying to the Fatter and satisfying to the soul. There's an altar call for each one of us to give-up and set-aside something. Listen intently and hear the call of the ... empty altar.


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