Monday, December 16, 2024

Longing Hearts

Signs - road signs, protestor signs, handmade refrigerator signs - whatever the sign, a sign is intended to be seen, to be and to convey a message. "The LORD Himself will give you a sign: listen carefully, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and she will call His name Immanuel." (Isaiah 7:14, AMP). God's message to the world through His prophet, Isaiah, was this: I AM is coming to live among you. The sign of God-with-you will be an unheard-of and incomprehensible conception of The Holy Spirit and a virgin, and the child's name will be Immanuel, which means "God with us." Much like in Isaiah's day, people missed both the sign and the significance of God's message; even at the appearance of the sign, the world was too busy with itself to notice. Make no mistake, we have our own Bethlehems with bustling streets and no vacancies - holiday gatherings, gift exchanges, food buffets and flashing lights - more than enough to make us miss Jesus, Immanuel. "Come, Thou long expected Jesus - Born to set Thy people free - From our fears and sins release us - Let us find our rest in Thee - Israel's strength and consolation - Hope of all the earth Thou art - Dear desire of ev'ry nation - Joy of ev'ry longing heart." (Words by Charles Wesley). Immanuel - God with us - in every season, the joy of ... longing hearts.


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