Harms of Sin
The description "mostly harmless" may apply to a bee sting - that is, unless you're allergic to bee stings; or to peanut butter - that is, unless you have a peanut allergy. The phrase "mostly harmless," however, never applies to sin. Sadly, we aren't alarmed by the infrequent dabbling in spiritually destructive behavior; we're even encouraged to do so when there seems to be no immediate consequence. I wonder how long Eve had passed by the tree, noticing that its fruit was indeed a delightful sight. Oh, how vulnerable we become when we linger at and loiter near to the "harmlessness" of sin. The shepherd boy, David, knew well the words of Goliath weren't harmless; Joseph recognized sin was a dangerous thing ... both young men knew the there was nothing "mostly harmless" about sin: sin was an offense against God Himself! How do you and I defend against sin? "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee." (Psalm 119:11, KJV). Dare we continue to ignore The Word and ignore Its effectiveness! Sin is not "mostly harmless" - Take up the Sword of Truth - It's our Defense against the ... harms of sin.
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