Monday, January 6, 2025

Have a Conversation

Those who knew my Dad will agree that he was a conversationalist: he loved to talk, and he had a knack for starting a conversation with people who otherwise refused to talk! Don't you imagine Jesus was a conversationalist? Think about it: He sat down at a well and simply asked for a drink of water (which, by the way, led to the longest conversation of His life) - He noticed a man up a sycamore tree, stopped and talked him down from the tree - He cooked breakfast on a beach, luring His friends from their boats and into conversation. Yes, He knew how to start a conversation because He knew (and knows) the deep needs of the human heart. Matthew writes, "Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them." (28:16). These men didn't just happen upon the mountain - Jesus told them to go there because He had something to say to them. He said, "Go ... and make disciples" (V.18). Believers (followers of Jesus) are to duplicate themselves; that is, we are to make more Believers, more followers of Jesus. Sounds like He's telling us to have some conversations ... talk with family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, nieces or nephews, grandchildren, the cashier at the market, the guy who sprays for bugs or cuts your grass ... literally, anyone who needs the good news of salvation. None of us know how God will work through a simple conversation with someone, so ... have a conversation.


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