JOURNEY TO THE CROSS - The Savior's Tears
Oh, the times of spilled milk or tea or juice! Long before sippy cups parents were driven to madness or tears when faced with the almost-certainty that someone would spill their drink. How funny when it was the parent!
It only makes sense that Jesus’ last visit to Jerusalem would be an emotional one, but those traveling with Jesus must have been surprised at the intensity of His tears as He neared the city. “When He approached Jerusalem, He saw the city and wept over it.” (Luke 19:41) With joy, I remember the breathtaking sight of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. The Savior, however, did not share these same emotions; instead of rejoicing, Jesus was driven to tears. His were not peaceful tears; the Greek word here (klaio) refers to an audible weeping such as takes control of a person. Why the tears? Jesus said, “Eternal peace was within your reach and you turned it down. Now it is too late … You have rejected the opportunity God offered you.” (Luke 19:42-43) The Messiah did not weep vain and causeless tears, nor was His weeping a slight matter. He wept not for Himself but for the value of souls and the heavy sin people bear when so great a salvation is turned away. Oh, the peace we often forfeit – Oh, the needless pain we bear! When were we last grievous over that sin in our life that brings regret and steals our joy? Jesus knew the extent to which He would be poured out for mankind AND He knew how we would at times dishonor and disgrace God’s precious act of redemption. Why would Christ not be grieved? Why would He not weep? If we could but understand the depth of God’s great love for us, we would weep also. His tears, His agony, His passion would not end until He took His rightful seat next to The Father. Oh, what a Savior!
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