Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Give Away a Smile

What's a smile worth? Smiles don't cost anything, and you can't buy one so why is it then some people always appear bankrupt!  As beautiful as flowers are, they can't smile.  A charm only man can claim -- a smile.  A genuine, warm-hearted smile is a great way Christians let their "light so shine before men."  Not one of us can measure the true value of a smile especially when we aren't smiling on the inside.  When we refuse to smile at another person, we rob them of perhaps the one thing they need most -- the warmth of human kindness.  I read "smiles" is the longest word in the English language because when you take away the first letter there are still "miles" of it left. Spread a few miles of sunshine today ... give away some smiles!

Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain,
Laughter and teardrops, pleasure and pain.
All days can't be bright, but it's certainly true
There's no cloud so dark that the sun can't shine through.
And there's never an hour, a day or a year
That cannot be brightened by words of good cheer. -- Helen Steiner Rice


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