Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Keys

Don’t get in a hurry – it’s just not worth it! Got up late, rushed myself & the boys out the door, and about two steps later, I got that sick feeling I had done something terribly wrong.   Brother, had I ever!  My pocketbook was in the house, along with my house key.  Of course, this was the one time every door to the house was closed securely and locked.  Don’t get in a hurry!

In February 2000, I stood at Caesarea Philippi in Northern Israel, and my mind returns there often.  Oh, how I would love to have stood with Peter years ago when he unashamedly confessed, "You are the Christ, Son of the Living God." (Matthew 16:16)  Read Jesus' response to Peter: "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (V.19)  Most of us carry keys we can't even identify, but to be given a key to victorious living -- well, I doubt we'd have trouble identifying that one.  If that is so, why do we lose hope? What is our explanation for drifting aimlessly through the day, seemingly out of sorts and frazzled beyond understanding? How do we allow life to overwhelm us to the point we lose our way?   It’s much like my rushing out the door without a second thought and finding myself locked out of my own house!  The truth is Believers are never  "locked out" of victorious living.  Jesus Christ provided the "keys" special delivery, and they work simply and boldly by confession and application that Christ is King -- King of head and heart!.  Such intimacy with the Father becomes evidence in all that we do.  It's a "key ring" that should never be misplaced!


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