Friday, January 13, 2012

Bad Business

Oh, how the younger-me loved the arcade game, skee-ball.  Give me a handful of quarters and Id sling those wooden balls all night -- 10, 20, 30, 40, 50!  What a thrilling game!  The first time I played skee-ball was at a beach-side arcade with a group from my church, and I begged every quarter I could from my boyfriend (Bill).  Still today, Mr. Bill steers me away from all arcades and rarely carries quarters!

Sin is a thrilling game or so Satan presents it!  His move is rarely sudden nor quick, but rather gradual and deliberate.  It's very similar to easing into a swimming pool: one careful step after another, we allow just a little bit of the cold water to touch us until we have grown accustomed to its temperature.  Eventually, we're completely in and guess what?  It feels quite nice and comfortable!  Can a genuine follower of Christ practice sin and be at peace, comfortable?  Absolute not!  I love how Isaiah described what we forfeit when we live contrary to God’s commands: “O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments! Then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea.” (Isaiah 48:18)  Truth is, sin thrills then kills; it costs you more than you ever wanted to pay, takes you further than you ever wanted to go, keeps you longer than you ever wanted to stay. In a nutshell ... sin ain't so thrillin' -- it's bad business!


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