Tuesday, June 26, 2012

When the Wind Blows

A farmer owner was interviewing for farm hands to care for his farm that often suffered building and crop damage from coastal winds.  One applicant replied when asked if he was a good farm hand, "Well, I can sleep when the wind blows." Although puzzled by the man's answer, the owner hired th e man. The new hand worked dawn to dusk, and the owner was well pleased with the man's work. One night the wind blew wildly in from the coast and jumping out of bed, the farmer grabbed a lantern and rushed next door to the hired hand's bedside. He shook the man and yelled, "Get up!  A storm is coming! Tie things down before they blow away!" The farmhand rolled over in bed and said firmly, "No sir. I told you, I can sleep when the  wind blows." Enraged by the man's response, the farmer hurried outside to prepare for the storm.  Surprised, he discovered all haystacks had been covered, cows were in the barn, chickens in the coops, doors barred and shutters tightly secured.  Everything was tied down; nothing could blow away. The farmer then understood what his hired hand meant, so he returned to his bed to also sleep while the wind blew.

Isn't this a great illustration of how prepared we should be spiritually! I don't typically rest well on windy nights and [like many] struggle in the winds of life.  God's Word says, "When I am afraid, I will trust in you." (Psalm 56:3)   The hired hand was able to rest because he had secured the farm against the storm. There is no more secure place than in God's care, trusting in His Word, making Him our portion at all times.  The winds of life will blow --  perhaps they are a'blowin' in your life right now.  Will you trust Him?


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