Thursday, March 7, 2013

No More Wash-Days

In the 1900’s, before electric-powered washing machines, Monday was “wash day.” I’m sure most of us have no real idea of that wash-day process since the vast majority of households today have automatic washing machines. I am not thrilled, however, with the mental image of the pile of laundry three boys would have created for this mom!

What’s this about Godliness and cleanliness? All my life I’ve heard “cleanliness is next to godliness” but I doubt God really cares how clean my fingernails are, or how often I wash my hair, or whether my clothes are washed each time I wear them. Perhaps the closest Scripture to this concept of godliness is Psalm 19:9, “The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether.” The ancient Essenes, a communal Jewish sect, dedicated themselves to spiritual purity, practicing stringent and meticulous purification rituals every day. It’s true, righteousness (holiness) doesn’t happen on its own because of our sinful nature. Even the tabernacle priests repeatedly washed their hands throughout the day. There’s a lesson for Believers here, to purify (make clean) our hearts: “Sanctify them in the Truth; Your Word is Truth.” John 17:17. The process of sanctification (becoming holy) isn’t a hard-day’s work, like wash-day, but rather surrendering to Him Who is pure, “And everyone who thus hopes in Him purifies himself as He is pure.” 1 John 3:3. Joy yet in our Redeemer, Who is pure, for the cleansing power of Jesus’ shed blood on the cross. The price for our washing has been paid, the work is finished! No more wash-days for our redemption. Hallelujah, praise the Lamb!


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