Wednesday, August 7, 2013

How It Began

The year 1998 was a difficult one. I found myself having several "mama" crises. I knew my struggles were compounded by my neglect of a regular quiet time with God. One evening I admitted to myself what I already knew: I could not go on in my own strength! Hence, I sat down at my desk and began to read God's Word, meditate on Its message, and pray. God showed me some remarkable things during those quiet moments, and I simply wrote them down. Writing down my feelings came natural to me. My Dad is a wordsmith, and as a girl I watched him type out his feelings and thoughts. As a young man, Dad entered college as a journalism major until God called him into His Ministry. Flippantly naming my own thoughts that night, "Morning with Beverly," I sent them to a few close friends who I knew would humor me by reading my ramblings! I continued to do this for several weeks, then a very strange thing happened. I began to receive emails from people I didn't know, asking I add them to my "mailing list." What mailing list? Soon I learned my friends had forwarded my writings to others and it seemed quite a few people were now counting on me having a daily quiet time with God then writing it down.

God has a unique way of getting His way in our lives, and His ways are always perfect. Years later, I am still penning my thoughts from quiet times with God. He has blessed my obedience to spend time with Him, and is using it to encourage and lift others who share similar challenges in their own lives. The rewards have been many, but the greatest is on a regular basis I give God His time. The crises and difficulties have not disappeared, but I have learned so much and a daily quiet time is now part of my routine. In my weaknesses, I see and feel His strength and "Morning with Beverly" is more than a ministry ... it is now a way of life.


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