Tuesday, September 17, 2013


As an 8th grade student, I visited the GA State Capitol and met [then] Governor Jimmy Carter. I shook his hand, had my picture made with him, and even sat in the governor’s chair. I proudly framed that picture and hung it in our first house. Yeah, I know, big deal!

God’s Throne Room – have you ever thought about it? I’ve met very few celebrities -- Alan Jackson, Ricky Skaggs, Governor Carter, and Senator Sam Nunn, but that’s about it. To be in their presence seemed like a “big deal” at the time, but the Throne Room of Almighty God – for certain, nothing compares! Psalm 29:10 says, “… The LORD sits enthroned as King forever.” The Jews understood reverenced the Temple; not just because of the sacred things inside, but they understood it was God’s dwelling place -- where His Presence resided. How foolish we are to consider the luxuriousness of God’s Throne room; it is The King Who makes the Throne Room. David describes It as where God sits (is set) as The King for forever over His people – those faithfully obedient to Him. We know, of course, God’s dwelling place is no longer a place made with hands but rather the hearts of the saved (redeemed, regenerated) man. It’s where God makes His home. I wonder just what kind of dwelling place I’ve made for The King of Glory? Must He share my heart’s rule with things of this world or selfish ambitions and arrogant pride? The framed picture of me and Jimmy has long been forgotten and packed away. Oh, how God longs to enthrone the hearts of Christians, and it may not seem like such a big deal, but hearts so enthroned frame the Beauty of God's Holiness! And, that's something to put on display!


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