Make Room
What fun I have had preparing a guest room several years ago! When Danny moved into his new house, we were left with a vacant bedroom. I promptly declared it the "guest room." Dennis & Dustin promptly wanted to know who was going to sleep in the room. The answer is simple: guests only!
No one likes the sign, "No Vacancy," but that’s exactly what a weary Joseph and Mary found in Bethlehem. The Savior of the world to be born, and no vacancy! Had God overlooked something? Of course not! The inn of Luke 2:7, actually a cave, is believed to lie beneath the A.D. 30 Church of the Nativity. It [most likely] in an adjoining stable that The Messiah was born. No room for The King? Much like our lives today -- no room for The King. This very season of year when we would honor Him, we squeeze Him into a few carols and display Him in nativity scenes yet leave Him out of our lives. We allow the hustle and bustle of the Season to declare "No Vacancy" in hearts which would otherwise honor Him. The Season is still young: hear Him in the music, feel Him in a touch to the lonely and needy, speak of Him to others, and worship Him in every opportunity. Declare room for The Savior today!
No one likes the sign, "No Vacancy," but that’s exactly what a weary Joseph and Mary found in Bethlehem. The Savior of the world to be born, and no vacancy! Had God overlooked something? Of course not! The inn of Luke 2:7, actually a cave, is believed to lie beneath the A.D. 30 Church of the Nativity. It [most likely] in an adjoining stable that The Messiah was born. No room for The King? Much like our lives today -- no room for The King. This very season of year when we would honor Him, we squeeze Him into a few carols and display Him in nativity scenes yet leave Him out of our lives. We allow the hustle and bustle of the Season to declare "No Vacancy" in hearts which would otherwise honor Him. The Season is still young: hear Him in the music, feel Him in a touch to the lonely and needy, speak of Him to others, and worship Him in every opportunity. Declare room for The Savior today!
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