The Child
What big fun-joy it has been to watch Ella learn new things. She now is her daddy’s faithful helper in gathering eggs. She’s broken some in the learning process, but becoming quite proficient at the task. I won’t quote her, but she even told me recently why the eggs must be washed after they are gathered. I repeat … big fun-joy!
God cannot be described as “helpless.” Using the only two French words I know, “au contraire” or with bubba-words, “on the contrary.” Oh, yes, sweet are the words we sing “Away in a manger, no crib for a bed -- The little Lord Jesus lay down His sweet head” and “Holy infant, so tender and mild.” Let us not, however, be distracted from what was embodied in The Child. Even though He came from where sin-enters-not to where sin-wearies-not, He arrive gloriously honoring The Father in Whom we know to be eternally faithful. Although a baby and completely dependent on earthly care, He came as the Surety of God’s covenant with man and God’s promise of “lo, I am with you always.” Could Bethlehem possibly have known what it held within its township? Only those who have trusted in The Child – The Savior – The Holy One ever know the depth of how fully “faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it.” (1 Thessalonians 5:24). The sky’s the limit at what our sweet Ellala will learn and do; There exists no limit, however, to what Almighty God will do to accomplish each of His promises to those who love Him: “Every promise in The Book is mine – Every chapter, every verse, every line – All are blessings of His love divine – Every promise in The Book is mine.” What child is this? Behold, The Christ-Child, The Promised One! Glory to God in the highest. Amen and Amen.
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