Thursday, January 9, 2014

Pitch Your Tent

Temper tantrums!  While I’m certain my parents could share a few tales, I have quite a tale of my own. Danny was three when he pitched a kicking-screaming-yelling fit on the waiting room floor of the doctor's office.  Reluctant to claim him at that moment, I [actually] remained quite calm never looking up from my magazine.  Soon the tantrum was over and he crawled up in my lap.  Then, of course, I had to claim him!


True worship -- how important is it to you?  If you follow the moves of Abraham, you'll see he regularly pitched his tent, built an altar, and worshipped the LORD.  Now, I've watched Mr. Bill and the boys pitch a tent, and it’s just too much work to ultimately sleep on the ground! Our worship should be a sincere effort of determination and deliberation.  Oswald Chambers says "public service for God is measured by the depth of the intimacy of our private times of fellowship and oneness with Him."  Just how deep is your worship? Is it intimate, private? Is there fellowship and oneness with God?  I suspect our worship is too often the VO5 brand -- "a little dab'll do ya."  True worship comes when we intently pursue God’s Presence with a passionate desire to know The Father's Face. Only then will we know the depth of His love and mercy and see it made real in everything we do. There is such sweet fellowship there. We will know then we have truly "pitched our tent" and experienced worship.


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