The Way of Love
Mr. Bill is an atlas guy! How he loves to map out a new route to even a familiar place. The only bad thing about a new route is he has to have a navigator ... that will stay awake. Did I mention how I love to nap on long trips? We have learned (after many journeys) that a napping navigator isn't very efficient!
The life of Christ is well described as a life of love. His every move showed us a better way to live. In John 14:6, He told us the only way to His salvation: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." It was Jesus' love toward others, however, that defines how we are to live today. The great love chapter, as it has been called, of First Corinthians 13 says faith, hope, and love abide, but "the greatest of these is love." (v.13) What we know of genuine human love may be profound yet how much more can we learn of the real way of love – the way into which Christ calls each of us. Let us direct our hearts and minds to God's Way, manifest in earth by Jesus Christ ... The Way of Love.
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