Who's At The Wheel?
"Who was driving?" Big gulp and a tough one to answer -- since it was none other than me! A car, a bicycle, a person would have moved, but no -- not that light pole! It stood its ground, and my passenger door testified to that!
God is the Perfect Driver! The only problem He seems to have is getting control of the wheel. Although we lack self-control and are self-destructive, we insist on being at the wheel of our lives. What a mess we make! Proverbs 16:25 says, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." The entire chapter of Proverbs 4 points to the security we know only in Godly instruction. Just like traffic signs signal drivers, God's Word warns and counsels all who profess His Name that He must be in control. Yes, it's a tough question, but we all must answer it: "Who's at the wheel?"
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