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Cheap -- we all love cheap! Even this non-shopper loves a good bargain, and will sniff it out when I must. Mr. Bill and I are avid Internet shoppers, and boxes on our porch are pretty exciting!
World news is troubling. I can hardly keep up with what's happening domestically and internationally. As I ponder this in light of God’s Sovereignty, I find only that I trouble myself! Of what consequence eternally are treaties, agreements, resolutions and such among men and nations? "The LORD looks down from heaven; He sees all the children of man ... He Who fashions the hearts of them all and observes all their deeds. The king is not saved by his great army; a warrior is not delivered by his great strength. The war horse is a false hope for salvation, and by its great might it cannot rescue." (Psalm 33:13, 15-17). We can question leaders' motives and self-acclaimed wisdom or tremble [in fear] at the aggression of nations, but thoughts become heavy and we risk a waning faith in the Sovereign King! I say it’s time we who claim His Name acknowledge His Fame! Jeremiah had no problem, “There is none like You, O LORD: You are Great, and Your Name is Great in Might!” (Jeremiah 10:6). Bothersome world events will continue, but question the King's Hand -- we will not! It is time for Christians to put away cheap words of devotion to God, and instead rally hearts in Him Who "makes nations great ... destroys them ... leads them away." (Job 12:23). God isn’t some delightful bargain -- He's the Warehouse & Distributor of all Truth and Power. Let us make His Banner our own …
There’s a Royal Banner given for display - To the soldiers of the King
As an ensign fair we lift It up today - While as ransomed ones we sing
Though the foe may rage and gather as the flood - Let the Standard be displayed
And beneath Its folds, as soldiers of the Lord - For the Truth be not dismayed
Marching on – Marching on – For Christ count everything but loss
And to crown Him King, toil and sing – ‘Neath the Banner of the Cross – Words by Daniel W. Whittle, 1884
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