Plug-Away Day-by-Day
As Mr. Bill and I enjoyed some porch swing-time a few years ago, we admired the freshly-mowed grass and recalled the abuse it took from whiffle ball games, frisbee contests, and plastic swimming pools, which we were certain would leave scars forever. Mr. Bill’s first attempt at a lawn was sown seed which soon washed into gullies formed from a hard rain. Today’s beautiful stand of zoysia, however, was planted plug-by-plug-by-plug-by-plug … or was it only yesterday?
There’s no easy route to becoming a good leader. As I read and am sickened by social and moral policies, it’s never been clearer how critical leadership needs to be “right” leadership. Let me bring that home: how important it is WE be “right” leaders in our own spot of the world. The starting point to changing a culture begins with each individual … yes, me and you. Equally important, leaders need to be rooted in the “right” understanding of the “right” Truth. Leadership founded in anything else is destined to fail on its ever-shifting sands -- much like summer’s sand castles … like Mr. Bill’s seeds washed into rain-crafted gullies. Colossians 2:8 says when we think the world’s way, we are “taken captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” Not so, however, if we plug-away day-by-day in The Truth of God’s Word allowing It to extend Its Divine Root into the innermost parts of hearts, changing us from within. We then become leaders, not in the sense we officially lead huge or even small groups of people, but the way we live leads (reflects, shows, teaches, guides, points) others to Godly Truth. If you’re not spending time daily in God’s Word, allowing Its Truth to change and transform you into the leader you’re designed to be, don’t delay -- begin today to plug-away day-by-day!
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